In The 1356: A Brave Engine, a boy named Isaac lives with his station agent father in a little depot in the wilds of Idaho. He helps his father in the depot, listens to his stories of adventure, and always watches for his favorite engine, The 1356.
In 1910 the great fire comes, the Big Burn that destroyed several towns and over three million acres. The 1356 brings Isaac and his family to safety in Missoula, Montana. Years go by, and Isaac will in turn help save the 1356 for the City of Missoula.
The 1356: A Brave Engine is 28 pages, hard cover, hand bound, illustrations created from historic R. V. Nixon photos, $20.00. Proceeds will be donated to restoring the 1356.
The 1356 chugged and whistled. She was proud to be a rescue engine. She turned on her headlight because the smoke was so thick it blocked the sun. The air was full of burning embers and the smoke hurt her eyes. But she never thought of turning back. “I am a brave, strong engine,” she said. “I am not afraid.”